Sunday, September 25, 2016

【翻譯 演講】 2016 艾瑪・華森呼籲校園性別平等的重要 Emma Watson makes a passionate call for gender equality

Emma Watson 艾瑪・華森兩年(2014)在聯合國婦女署(UN Women )推動 HeforShe 運動,指出性別平權不只是女性議題,更於今年(2016)美國紐約舉行的第71屆聯合國大會中演說,直指大學校園應該為性別平權所做的努力。


I know that my university experience shaped who I am. And of course, it does for many people. But what if our experience of university shows us that women don’t belong in leadership? What if it shows us is that, yes women can study, but they shouldn’t lead a seminar? What if, as still in many places around the world, it tells us that women don’t belong there at all? What if, as it is the case in far too many universities, we are given the message that sexual violence isn’t actually a form of violence? But we know that if you change students’ experiences, so that have different expectations of the world around them, expectations of equality, society will change.

As we leave home for the first time to study at places that we have worked so hard to get, we must not see or experience double standards. We need to see equal respect, leadership and pay. The university experience must tell women that their brain power is valued, and not just that. But they belong within the leadership of the university itself.

And so importantly right now, the experience must make it clear that the safety of women, minorities and anyone who may be vulnerable is a right and not a privilege. A right that will be respected by a community that believes and supports survivors and recognizes that when one person’s safety is violated, everyone feels their own safety is violated. A university should be a place of refuge that takes action against all forms of violence.

2016 演說影片:

2014 HeforShe 演說全文翻譯:

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