Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Learning ....to live without you by my side

這天還是來臨了,一直以為自己很okay 很勇敢,結果,原來是天大的誤會,終究還是捨不得...




第一次自己以為的勇敢,在你說想來高雄陪我適應安頓的時候,默默的放棄了;第二次的勇敢,在送你上飛機之後,默默的崩潰了,在小魚 & 青蛙眼關心的詢問下,我哭哭;在睡覺時,我抱著巧克力入睡。

我想到之前我去秘魯時,你給我的 love letter 中,你說到你如何的想念我,如何的學習要一個人,我想,it's my turn to learn that lesson, which is not easy at all.

Still I think about you a lot.  Still I want Line you and Skype you all the time. I have to try very hard not to want to hold you and not to know every minute what you are doing.

I always think I would be greatly comforted if I heard you saying that you miss me too, in spite that I know how excited you would be right now as you are in a forein land.

Enjoy your life there, as I will enjoy mine.

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