Friday, October 21, 2011

No...You are not answering my questions...

剛剛再跟雙木meeting 時,把我這個禮拜以來一直想的問題提出來:Merchant 認為社會建構了自然與女性的連結,而兩者之間的連結構成了環境剝削與女性壓迫的問題。而我一直在想的是,也許兩者的連結不是環境與性別問題的元兇,也許原因比較接近deep ecology 在說的人類中心主義...

貝也給了回應:如果這是重要的問題,你應該找找其他人怎麼說Merchant 的這部份...

雙木停頓了一會兒,說出了他每次聽到我非關「建構」思維的想法的回應:我聽不太懂你在說什麼...然後就說了一堆Merchant 本書的用意 blah blah blah...
Not that I really expected something worthwhile from him. But it was kinda disappointing to hear him say something like that again. He could just tell me that what was on my mind was a good question, but it was just beyond my time or ability/ training to solve that problem. Or, instead, he could just exchange some opinions with me. But he did neither.

Once again, I wanna turn to another professor for more help, b/c after a quick glimpse at the proofread chapter 3 that I handed to him, I found that: the later half of the stack was without any footnotes or his comment. And that inevitably made me doubt whether he finished reading or not...

Looks like there's only way to graduation, for Jesus said: I'm the way and the truth and...

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